Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Rock Candy and Waiting on the Lord...

This week's devotional is going to be short.  Yay!  Haha yes, as my husband puts it, I can be a little "wordy".  Don't worry, this one is short and sweet - pun intended!  ...unless you want to read the article I have included.  It's not so short, but it's a great article and totally worth your time!

A couple weeks ago, I got the idea to make rock candy with the kids.  I was really excited about it, and so were they, as we are a new homeschooling family and I thought it would be a great science project with a sweet reward at the end.  What I didn't realize at first, was that it takes 3-7 days for the candy crystals to form!  Needless to say, it was a test of patience for the kids, my husband, and me.  But of course, it got me thinking as these things often do, about faith and how we are called to wait on the Lord (See Psalm 27:14).  After all, patience is a fruit of the spirit (See Galatians 5:22-23).  Have you ever heard someone say that it's dangerous to pray for patience?  I get what they're saying, because God will give you opportunities to be patient, which honestly none of us want, but at the same time, learning patience is one of the most valuable, peace giving things a person can learn.  The Bible also says not to fear, so I say, "Go for it, and pray for patience"!  Whatever it may be that you are waiting on, a job, a loved one to be saved, hearts to be changed, your coffee to brew, whatever it is gives you an opportunity to practice patience.  And you know that practice makes perfect, right?  Well maybe not perfect, but at least more successful.  In this world that we live in, waiting is not highly valued.  We can do almost everything as quickly as we'd like.  Immediate gratification has become our goal.  When we have to wait, it often incites great agitation and even anger.  My husband got told to "Go to Hell" the other day because a person had to wait too long in the pharmacy line.  The truth is, as Christians we are not called to be like the world.  Romans 12:2 says: 

"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.  Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."  (emphasis added)

So maybe practice does make perfect (insert wink/smile emoji)! We are called as Christians to be different than the world.  We are called to demonstrate our faith in patience - calmly and peacefully waiting on our Lord, because ultimately every detail of our lives is in His hands.  And, if we do not grow weary of this good waiting, we will get our sweet, sweet reward at the end (See Galatians 6:9)!

As I was researching this topic of waiting, I came upon this great article, so I wanted to share it with you.  Please enjoy it!

Father God, 
Help us to wait on you.  We have so many great examples of waiting in your Word.  Noah waited for the flood waters to recede, The Isrealites waited to find the promised land.  And we also see the repercussions from not waiting on your promise, when Abraham and Sarah couldn't wait for Isaac.  As Christians, we are ultimately waiting for Jesus to return, and every day we are waiting.  Help us to be patient, and have peace and remember that all time was created by you for your glory, so please help us to use our time wisely while we have it.  In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

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