Thursday, July 28, 2016

Psalm 139

Psalm 139 is a beautiful Psalm of adoration of God.  It reminds us that God is everywhere.  He is inescapable.  He sees every move we make.  He watches over us and knows us deeply and intimately.  This Psalm tells us that God is more than we can understand.  He sees things differently than we see them.

There are many parts of Psalm 139 that are important and inspirational.  One passage from this chapter that I think is especially relevant for women, is Psalm 139:13-18.  I think women can be really hard on themselves, because culture has given us this false sense that we need to be perfect.  We are told that we need to be perfect friends, wives, mothers, daughters.  We think we need to be perfect in personality, in figure, in appearance, in spirituality.  A lot of times we can put on a great act, while inside we are ashamed because we know the truth, and we are afraid that others will see that we are liars.

The truth is, we do not need to act!  We are "fearfully and wonderfully made"!  Our loving God made us and saw us before we were even born.  He has known us deeply and intimately, and made us for a specific purpose.  He doesn't want us to act.  He wants us to know the person that He made, and praise Him.  As verse 14 says, God's works are wonderful!  And if we truly believe that we are His work, then we will know that we have been made wonderful!  The only parts of us that are not wonderful are the parts that we have added (or subtracted) by believing the lies around us about who we are supposed to be.  It is our differences that make the body of Christ what it is supposed to be.  It is our differences that make a beautiful work of art out of God's people, and glorify God's name.

Today I pray that as women of God, we can throw aside our unGodly notions of who we are supposed to be, what others want us to be, what we want us to be, and just be the people God has made us to be.  I pray that we embrace every detail about ourselves and let God show us the wonderful works of His hand.

Father God,
Thank you for your Word!  It is alive and well, and it speaks to our souls, it feeds us and nourishes us.  May you speak to all of our hearts when we read your word, and may the Holy Spirit help us to understand your wonderful ways.  In Psalm 139:23-24 your wonderful Word says, "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."  I pray this over all of us women of God, that we would hand over to you these anxious thoughts we have of trying to be someone we are not.  Help us to stop acting, and allow your goodness to invade every part of ourselves until we have complete peace and confidence in the people you have made us.  We trust you and we love you.  In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

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